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Recreation Programs

Sports and recreation are an integral part of the community. In the frosty chill of winter or the sizzling heat of summer, opportunities to stay fit and have fun are endless! Our golf course, beautiful parks and lake appeal to visiting tourists and lifelong residents. Morden is the ideal place for relaxation, recreation, or retirement. The following are just a few things that Morden has to offer. If you want to know more then click on the links provided. Please note that some of the links may take you out of the Morden.

What You Need to Know Before Registering for City of Morden-Run Programs

  1. PerfectMind Account
    Ensure you have your PerfectMind account username and password ready.

    • If you’re having trouble logging in or have forgotten your password, please email before registration. Do not create a new account.
  2. Family Members
    Ensure all family members you wish to register are linked to your PerfectMind account.

  3. Program Levels
    Know the correct program levels yourmust be registered for, if applicable.

City of Morden Recreational Programming

Financial Assistance


Jumpstart helps with the registration and equipment costs of a sport or physical activity. Apply Online In-person applications at the Access Event Centre are no longer accepted.


KidSport Manitoba raises funds through corporate donations, foundation grants, planned giving, and special events. Funds raised help offset the cost of participant registration fees for community-based sports programs. Funding is administered by Sport Manitoba’s Regional Offices. KidSport Manitoba is limited by the funds we are able to raise, therefore we want to ensure we assist those most in need. Applications are accepted for children 18 and under, who lack the financial resources to participate in sports. Apply Online or with a Form


Chance 2 Camp is the core program funded by the Foundation and a project near and dear to our hearts. Summer Camperships to a maximum of $400.00 per child are awarded to children who, because of economic circumstances in their families, would not otherwise have the opportunity for a summer camp experience. Apply


Chance 2 Grow funds a wide variety of recreational and educational opportunities for children from music lessons and art and dance classes to gymnastics, swimming, and figure skating. Includes hockey registration in our southern region. This program will pay registration for a myriad of activities upon request. Apply

Free Equipment Rentals

All items can be reserved online or by phone at 204-822-5431 ext.5004 or by email at

A credit or debit card is required to use the equipment. Renters are responsible for damage or theft up to the cost of the item.



Minnewasta Golf & Country Club – is a world-class, 18-hole facility that takes advantage of the scenic Pembina Escarpment to provide some of the most challenging golf topography in the province to please both competitive and recreational golfers.

Fossil Dig Adventure Tours

CFDC Adventure Tours – Have an unforgettable adventure with the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre (CFDC). Experience the outdoors on the Manitoba Escarpment while excavating 80 million-year-old fossils. If you like adventure and hands-on experience, then consider the Paleo Adventure Tour. This special excursion will take you up to the 109 acres of land owned by the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre. Ages 18 and up.

Stardust Drive-In Theatre

“Come and watch the movies on the BIG Screen Under the Stars!” The Stardust Drive-In Theatre operates every weekend from the May long weekend through to the September long weekend. May to June – Fridays and Saturdays only. July to September – Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Triple Feature Nights:  On the Sunday of each long weekend there are 3 movies shown in one night.


Morden Minor Soccer Association is a volunteer-based youth soccer organization located in Morden, dedicated to providing a positive and enjoyable soccer experience for children of all ages and skill levels. 


The primary purpose of the Morden Minor Hockey Association is to promote interest in a wholesome brand of hockey while fostering a healthy community spirit with all the members, supporters and teams involved in the MMHA.

Curling Club

The Morden Curling Club is located at 327 2nd Street. It offers great curling in a relaxed environment. There are club leagues to join, as well as regular bonspiels and fun for the whole family. 


The Morden Minor Baseball provides an opportunity for all youth in Morden and the surrounding area to play baseball and/or softball in a safe, respectful, affordable and enjoyable environment.


Morden Magics Gymnastics Club has recreational and competitive levels for ages 5 to 18 years of age. 


Morden Premier Taekwondo

The Morden Branch was established in 1983 and classes are held at the Maple Leaf School. Classes benefit from a full gymnasium, accommodating many students and simultaneous training components such as drills, sparring and target kicking.

Students at Morden Taekwondo range from school-age children to seniors and each train at their own level of fitness and experience. Training together offers interesting opportunities to learn from each other.

Morden Services for Seniors

Morden Friendship & Activity Centre offers a variety of activities for everyone such as Fitness, Jam Sessions, Choir, History Group, Line Dance, Card Games (Cribbage, Bridge), Floor Shuffle, Floor Curling, Pattern Dance, Snooker, Pickleball, Art and more! Morden Activity Centre runs three meal programs located at our Centre, Legion House 2 and Oakwest Estate at a low cost. 

Accessibility Survey
We’re asking for your help! By taking a few minutes to fill out this survey, you’ll be sharing valuable feedback that will help us identify and remove barriers people with disabilities may face in accessing City services. Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous.