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Home » By-laws and Policies
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Title | Categories | Link | Tags |
Animal Control By-law 17BL09 | By-laws | Aggressor Animal, Animal Bites, Animal Control By-law, Animal Control Officer, Animal Impoundment, Animal Liability, Animal Regulation, Animal Welfare, Assistance Animals, By-Law 09-2017, Cats, City Legislation, City Ordinance, Council, Dangerous Animals, Dogs, Domestic Animals, Domestic Pets, Enforcement, Livestock, Municipal Act, Pet Licensing, Pet Ownership, Pet Responsibility, Pet Restrictions, Pound, Poundkeeper, Public Health, Public Safety, Rabies Vaccination, Restricted Animals, Running at Large, Veterinary Protocol, Wildlife | |
Boulevard Maintenance By-law 17BL17 | By-laws | Boulevard Maintenance, Grass Cutting, Landscaping, Municipal Bylaws, Municipal Services, Property Management, Public Works, Urban Planning, Vegetation Control | |
Business Licence Including Commercial Clause By-law 05BL9 | By-laws | Business Compliance, Business Licence, Business Operations, Business Regulations, Business Tax, Commercial Activities, Licensing Fees, Morden, Municipal Act, Municipal Bylaws, Municipal Services, Penalties, Transient Traders, Zoning By-laws | |
Capital Lot Levy By-law 23BL08 | By-laws | Building Regulations, Capital Lot Levy, City Council, Conditional Use, Development Agreement, Development Permit, Infrastructure Costs, Morden, Municipal Act, Municipal Bylaws, Municipal Infrastructure, Planning Act, Property Development, Subdivision, Variance, Zoning Amendment | |
Civic Addressing By-law 23BL02 | By-laws | Address, Building, City, Compliance, House, Identification, Morden, Numbering, Property, Regulations, Standards | |
Clearing Snow Windrows of Driveways (WO-21) | Policies | city maintenance operations, Clearing Snow Windrows, driveway snow removal, emergency snow conditions, heavy snow removal, Morden policies, Municipal Services, private driveways, public works policy, snow clearing policy, snow clearing procedures, snow removal authority, snow removal guidelines, snow removal regulations, snow windrow removal, snow windrows, street plowing, winter maintenance, winter weather safety, WO-021, Works & Operations | |
Derelict Unsightly Property By-law 06BL22 | By-laws | abandoned property, abandoned vehicle, By-law 22-2006, by-law enforcement, dangerous structures, derelict property, derelict vehicle by-law, fines, grass length, household appliances, impoundment, local government, Manitoba, Municipal Act, Municipal Regulations, nuisances, Penalties, property cleanliness, property inspection, property maintenance, property regulation, property safety, Public Safety, town council, tree hazards, unsightly property, vehicle storage, weed control | |
Derelict Vehicle By-law 17BL15 | By-laws | abandoned vehicles, By-law 15-2017, derelict car by-law, derelict vehicle, Enforcement, fines, impoundment, junk car regulation, local government, Manitoba, Morden regulations, Municipal Act, Municipal By-law, Penalties, private property, safety standards, vehicle control, vehicle destruction, vehicle parking, vehicle regulation, vehicle removal, vehicle storage, vehicle tow | |
Drainage By-law 04BL10 | By-laws | Culvert Installation, Development Agreements, Drainage By-law, Drainage Channels, Flood Management, Municipal Act, Property Access, Property Owner Responsibilities, Public Works | |
Fees and Charges By-law 23BL10 | By-laws | By-law 10-2023, community services, conditional uses, criminal record checks, development plan amendment, driveway permit fees, equipment rental, fees and charges, finance and administration, fingerprinting, local government, lot grading, Manitoba, Municipal Act, Municipal Services, operations services, parking space rentals, planning, Planning Act, planning and community development, protective services, Recycling, sewer permit fee, solid waste, utilities, variations, water disconnection fee, water meter testing, zoning, Zoning Amendment | |
Fire Prevention & Emergency Services By-law 04BL5 | By-laws | by-law, community safety, emergency management, emergency response, emergency services, fire code, fire prevention, fire protection, fire regulations, fire safety, local government, Morden, Municipal By-law, Public Safety, safety regulations | |
Firearms and Other Shooting Devices By-law 21BL05 | By-laws | by-law, City of Morden, City of Morden by-laws, community safety, Compliance, firearm restrictions, firearm transportation, firearms discharge, firearms penalties, firearms regulation, gun laws, legal document, local government rules, Manitoba laws, Municipal By-law, municipal enforcement, municipal legislation, public ordinance, Public Safety, shooting devices control, shooting devices regulation, weapon control | |
Garage Sale Signs By-law 17BL14 | By-laws | by-law, City of Morden, City of Morden by-laws, community standards, fine schedule, garage sale rules, Garage Sale Sign Bulletin Board, garage sale signs, legal document, local government rules, Municipal By-law, municipal enforcement, Municipal Regulations, property signs, public ordinance, public signage, sign placement rules, sign posting, sign regulations, signage control | |
Landscape Specification Standards (PUF-006) | Policies | City Owned Lands, Community Services Department, Constructed Wetlands, Construction Completion Certificate, Developer, Drainage, Environmental Protection, Erosion Control, Final Acceptance Certificate, Hardscapes, Land Dedication Process, Landscape Architect, Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Plan, Landscape Specification Standards, Landscape Standards, Native Grass, Park Improvements, Parks and Urban Forestry, Plant Materials, Policy, Rough Grading, Site Preparation, Soil Testing, Tree Planting, Turf Installation, Urban Forestry, Warranty, Wetland Plants | |
Lottery License By-law 3-2004 | By-laws | Charitable Organizations, Financial Reporting, Legal Guidelines, Lottery License, Municipal Regulations, Raffle, Raffle Lotteries, Religious Organizations | |
Model Aircraft and Vehicles By-law 17BL13 | By-laws | aerial vehicle rules, by-law, city management, City of Morden, city ordinances, community rules, Compliance, council regulations, drone operation, Enforcement, gas-powered models, legal document, local government, Manitoba laws, model aircraft prohibition, model aircraft regulations, model vehicles regulations, municipal by-laws, municipal by-laws Morden, municipal legislation, penalty schedule, powered model vehicles, public ordinance, Public Safety, restricted vehicles | |
Municipal Enforcement By-law 17BL02 | By-laws | adjudication scheme, administrative penalties, by-law, by-law enforcement, City of Morden, city policy, City Regulations, compliance agreement, enforcement rules, government, legal document, local government, Morden by-law, Morden Manitoba, municipal enforcement, municipal legislation, penalty notice, public administration, public compliance, screening officer | |
Municipal Parks By-law 17BL12 (2017-06-26) | By-laws | bylaw, bylaw enforcement, city policy, City Regulations, civic administration, community parks, government, green spaces, legal document, local government, Morden, Morden bylaw, municipal legislation, municipal parks, park management, park rules, public parks, Public Safety, public spaces, rules and regulations | |
Noise By-law 17BL11 | By-laws | by-law enforcement, By-law No. 11-2017, C.C.S.M. c. M225, City of Morden, commercial noise, emergency work, legal enforcement, Morden Police Department, municipal noise ordinance, noise by-law penalties, noise complaints, Noise Control By-law, noise control law, noise exceptions, noise in public spaces, noise nuisance, noise penalties, noise regulation, noise regulation Manitoba, noise restrictions, Public Health, residential noise, sound emission, sound regulation, The Municipal Act, vehicle noise, Zoning By-law | |
Obstructions on Municipal Roads By-law 17BL16 | By-laws | by-law enforcement, By-law No. 16-2017, C.C.S.M. c. M225, City Council, City of Morden, John Scarce, Ken Wiebe, legal enforcement, Manitoba, Morden By-Laws, municipal by-laws, municipal fines, municipal law, municipal road regulations, municipal road safety, obstruction removal, Obstructions on Municipal Roads, park maintenance, park obstructions, public place safety, Public Safety, road maintenance, road repair, snow and ice removal, The Municipal Act, Vegetation Control | |
Off-road Vehicle By-law 13BL10 | By-laws | authorized vehicle operation, By-Law No. 10-2013, C.C.S.M. Cap. 031, City of Morden, designated routes, highway laws, Manitoba, Morden By-Laws, Morden council, municipal law enforcement, Municipal Regulations, off-road transit laws, Off-Road Vehicle By-Law, off-road vehicle regulations, Public Safety, roadway rules, snowmobiles, The Off-Road Vehicles Act, Traffic Authority, vehicle operation, vehicle speed limits | |
Parkland Dedication Policy PUF 009 | Policies | cash-in-lieu, community parks, community wellness, development approval, green spaces, land dedication, land use requirements, Manitoba Planning Act, Morden parks, natural areas, neighborhood parks, open space, park accessibility, park criteria, park maintenance, park types, parkland acceptance, parkland calculation, Parkland Dedication Policy, Parks and Urban Forestry, policy and procedures manual, public park policy, public reserve, public service facility, recreational purposes, sensitive land, urban landscape, Urban Planning | |
Police Board By-law 12BL14 | By-laws | By-law 14-2012, City of Morden, council resolution, Ernie Epp, Ken Wiebe, Manitoba, Morden City Council, municipal by-laws, Municipal Regulations, Police Board, police board size, Police Services Act | |
Regulating Snow, Ice & Sign Removal from Sidewalks By-law 04BL20 | By-laws | business premises maintenance, By-law 20-2004, city ordinances, ice control, ice removal, Morden Business Improvement Area, municipal by-laws, Municipal Regulations, municipal tax charges, Property Management, Public Works, Regulating snow, sidewalk maintenance, sidewalk obstruction, sidewalks, sign removal, snow and ice removal, snow removal regulations, street cleaning, Town of Morden, weather-related cleaning | |
Snow Clearing & Ice Control (WO-025) | Policies | community safety, emergency vehicle access, ice control, ice control policy, major storm event, municipal operations, Municipal Services, priority sidewalks, priority streets, Public Works, routine maintenance, sanding streets, sidewalk clearing, Snow Clearing, snow control areas, snow event management, snow fence installation, snow plowing, snow plowing procedures, snow removal guidelines, snow removal map, snow windrow removal, snowstorm response, storm event, street snow clearing, winter maintenance, winter weather safety, WO-025, Works & Operations policy | |
Traffic Control By-law 22BL13 | By-laws | By-law 13-2022, City of Morden, Engine Retardant Brakes, Highway Traffic Act, Morden Traffic Regulations, Municipal Act, Parade Permits, Parking Regulations, Public Works, Temporary Traffic Control, Traffic Authority, Traffic By-law, Traffic Control, Traffic Control Devices, Traffic Management, Traffic Offence, Traffic Penalties, Traffic Regulation, Traffic Signs, Truck Routes | |
Tree Control Policy (C/S-004) | Policies | Boulevard Trees, community services, Dangerous Trees, Developer Responsibilities, Healthy Trees, Municipal Order, New Subdivisions, Operating Budget, Parks, Pest Infestations, Private Property Trees, Pruning, Public Safety, Public Streets, Rights-of-Way, Shade Trees, Shrubbery, Tree Control, Tree Guidelines, Tree Inspection, Tree Maintenance, Tree Maintenance Standards, Tree Plan Approval, Tree Planting, Tree Planting Specifications, Tree Policy, Tree Program, Tree Protection, Tree Protection Measures, Tree Pruning, Tree Removal, Tree Removal Criteria, Tree Safety, Tree Spacing, Tree Species | |
Vehicle for Hire By Law (23BL15) | By-laws | Accessible Vehicles, By-Law 15-2023, Compliance, Driver's License, Fares, Insurance Requirements, Licensing, Limousine, Limousine Service, Penalties, Personal Transportation Provider, PTP, PTP Service, Taxi, Taxi Regulations, Training Requirements, Transportation Services, Vehicle for Hire, Vehicle Inspection, Vehicle Registration, Winter Tires | |
Waste By-law 17BL25 | By-laws | By-law 25-2017, City of Morden Waste By-law, City Regulations, Compostable Material, Composting, Curbside Collection, Environmental Conservation, General Waste, Hazardous Materials, Household Waste Management, Morden, Municipal By-law, Organic Waste, Penalty Notices, Recyclable Material, Recycling, Solid Waste Area Management Project (SWAMP), Waste Collection, Waste Disposal, Waste Management, Waste Segregation, Zero Waste Target | |
Water and Sewer Rates By-law 22BL02 | By-laws | Amending By-Law, Bulk Sales, By-Law 10-00, By-Law 2-2022, By-Law 7-2017, Commodity Rates, Disconnection, Environmental Regulation, Hydrant Rentals, Late Payment Penalty, Meter Accuracy Testing, Minimum Charges, Municipal Act, Outstanding Accounts, Pembina Valley Water Cooperative, Public Utilities Board, PVWC, Reconnection Fee, Schedule A, Service Outside City Limits, Sewer Rates, Sewer Service, Sewer Surcharges, Water Consumption, Water Rate Increase, Water Rates, Water Sales, Water Supply | |
Water and Wastewater By-law 21BL12 | By-laws | Accessory Structure, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD, Bonded Contractor, Building Drain, Building Inspector, By-Law 12-2021, City Council, Combined Sewer, Commercial Wastewater, Cross-Connection, Curb Stop, Domestic Wastewater, Drainage Sewers, Engineering and Operations, Environmental Standards, Frontage Foot, Ground Water, Health Officer, Holding Tank, Industrial Discharge, Industrial Wastewater, Infrastructure Management, Institutional Waste, Metering, Municipal Act, Plumbing System, Property Connection, Public Health, Public Utilities, Regulatory Compliance, Sewer Drains, Surcharge, Wastewater Disposal, Wastewater System, Wastewater Treatment, Water Management, Water Quality, Water Rate, Water Service, Water Supply, Waterworks System | |
Water Restrictions By-law 21BL10 | By-laws | Agriculture, By-law 10-2021, City Regulations, Commercial Water Use, Construction, Drought Management, Extreme Drought Stage, Garden Watering, Industrial Water Use, Landscape Watering, Lodging, Morden, Municipal By-law, PDF Document, Residential Water Use, Restaurant, Severe Drought Stage, Vehicle Washing, Water Conservation, Water Restriction, Water Use Reduction | |
Zoning By-law 17BL08 | By-laws | 2017, 3rd Reading, Building Codes, City Planning, Compliance, Land Use, Morden, Municipal By-law, PDF Document, Property Zoning, Regulations, Town of Morden, Urban Development, Zoning By-law |
The City of Morden is located on Treaty No. 1 territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota Nations, as well as the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We honour their contributions to the past, present, and future. We express our gratitude for the land and water that sustains us, and we commit to learning from and working in partnership with the original caretakers of this territory.
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