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Home » Emergency Information
There are many emergency issues that everyone needs to be aware of whether it be for a Tornado or Flooding. This section will try to give you the information you need to help you prepare for any type of emergency.
The Access Event Centre is the designated emergency evacuation site for the city, local health care, and schools. It is also the primary reception centre for the Southern Emergency Response Committee, which includes the RM of Stanley, Winkler, and Morden.
The City of Morden is a member of S.E.R.C. (Southern Emergency Response Committee). This committee represents the RM of Stanley, the City of Morden and the City of Winkler. The committee has prepared a full Emergency Plan for the region. The contact details are;
S.E.R.C. Regional Project Coordinator
Darin Driedger
Phone: (204) 332-0750
Use these numbers only for emergency situations.
Emergency operators can connect you with Police, Fire, Ambulance, or Poison Treatment services. They will ask questions and give you instructions until help arrives.
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Poison Treatment: Dial 911
Key Information to Provide:
Who you need: Police, Fire, or Ambulance
Where you are: Your address
What is happening now
How it happened
When it happened
Your name
Helpful Hints:
Teach everyone in your family how to make emergency calls.
Stay on the line if you accidentally call 911 to confirm you’re safe.
When calling from a cell phone, provide your specific location.
Keep the following information by your phone:
The 911 emergency number
Your address
Your phone number
Directions to your home from local emergency services
A meeting place near and away from home
Important Emergency Contacts:
Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization: 1-888-267-8298
Environmental Accidents: 1-204-945-4888
Natural Gas Concerns (MB Hydro): 1-800-465-3816
Hydro Concerns (MB Hydro): 1-888-624-9376
Morden Civic Centre: 1-204-822-4434
Morden Public Works: 1-204-822-5119
R.M. of Stanley: 1-204-325-4101
It’s normal to feel confused, numb, or shocked after an emergency. Emotional and physical reactions such as trembling, vomiting, or fainting are common and normal.
Dealing with Emotional Reactions:
Talk about your feelings.
Understand your feelings are real.
Realize that when you suffer a loss, you grieve.
Give yourself time to heal.
Contact help lines if needed.
Help Lines:
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 (24 Hour Crisis Line)
Teen Touch: 1-800-563-8336 (24 Hour Crisis Line)
Pregnancy Centre Morden: 1-204-822-9591
Mobile Crisis Unit: 1-204-325-9700 OR 1-888-617-7715
Manitoba Farm & Rural Stress Line: 1-866-367-3276
Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 1-888-292-7565 (24 Hour Crisis Line)
Provincial Suicide & Crisis: 1-888-322-3019 OR 1-877-435-7170 (24 Hour Crisis Line)
Winter can be the most hazardous season in which to travel, but it is important to be prepared for problems during every season. The best safety precaution during severe weather conditions is to avoid traveling. However, if you must travel, be prepared.
What To Do For Traveling
Things To Do If You Are Stranded
Winter Survival Kit
Environment Canada monitors the weather 24 hours a day, every day of the year. If a severe storm is on the way, the weather service uses the local media and Environment Canada’s Weather Radio to alert the public. They have two basic types of alerts.
Weather Information: 1-204-983-2050 or
What To Do When There Is Extreme Heat:
The Humidex is an index that describes how hot or humid weather feels to the average person. It is only used when the temperature is over 30degrees Celsius. The humidex combines the temperature and humidity into one number. A humidex of 40 with a temperature of 30 degrees means that the humidity on that day, combined with the 30-degree temperature, will feel like 40 degrees on a dry day.
A thunderstorm develops in an unstable atmosphere when warm moist air near the earth’s surface rises quickly and cools. The moisture condenses to form rain droplets and dark thunderclouds.
These storms are often accompanied by hail, lightning, heavy rain, high winds, and tornadoes. Thunderstorms are usually over in an hour, although a series of thunderstorms can last for several hours.
During a thunderstorm the air is charged with electricity. Bolts of lightning hit the ground at about 40,000 km per second—-so fast that the series of strikes hitting the ground appear to be a single bolt.
What To Do When There Is Lightning:
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Tornadoes are violent windstorms identified by their twisting funnel-shaped cloud.
They are always produced by thunderstorms but not every thunderstorm produces a tornado. They travel between 20 and 90 km/h, are erratic, and can change course suddenly. Do not chase tornadoes. Tornado Watch means the weather could develop a tornado. Tornado Warning means a tornado has been seen or ii is very likely that one will develop shortly.
If You Are Near A Building:
If You Are Driving:
Hail forms when updrafts in thunderclouds carry raindrops upward into extremely cold areas and freeze layer upon layer until they are too heavy and fall to the ground. Hailstones vary in size from peas to grapefruits and fall at great speed. Hailstones have seriously injured people.
What To Do When It Hails:
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Blizzards come in on a wave of cold Artic air, bringing snow, bitter cold, high winds and poor visibility. On average, the storms and cold of winter kill more than 100 people every year which is more than the total number of people killed by hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, lightning and extreme heat.
Canada’s wind chill index is based on the loss of heat from the face. It was developed using human volunteers, computer technology, and a better understanding of how skin loses heat. The index is expressed in temperature-like units, which are easier for everyone to understand. The best way to understand wind chill is to think of it as a feeling. The new wind chill index represents how your skin will feel at a given temperature on a calm day. For instance, if the outside air temperature is
–5C and the wind chill is –25, your face will feel as cold as it would at –25C on a calm day.
What To Do In A Blizzard:
A heavy rainfall can result in flooding. This is particularly true when the ground is still frozen or already saturated from previous storms.
Floods may also result if a heavy rain coincides with spring thaw.
What To Do During A Heavy Rain:
Flooding in Morden and the R.M. of Stanley is historically the result of spring run off or the result of heavy rains and occurs as the water moves overland.
Flood Warning Action:
During Flooding:
Hazardous materials are chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment. Accidents with hazardous materials may cause us to take action to protect ourselves.
People may be exposed to a hazardous material when there is a fire or an accidental spill. A powder may be blown by the wind or carried through the community on vehicle tires. Smoke and heat from a fire can carry hazardous materials. A spill on the ground can evaporate and enter the air. A chemical, such as ammonia or chlorine, may also be released as a gas and mix with the air.
The hazardous material may be seen as a cloud or it may not be seen at all. Sometimes we may be able to smell or taste a hazardous material to warn us of its presence. But this is not always the case and it is not the same for everybody. The effect that a hazardous material may have on our bodies depends on its nature, concentration, and the length of time we are exposed to it.
An important thing to remember is that you do not want to get any of the hazardous material on you. If it is in the air or on your skin it may enter your body and cause you harm. Take action to protect yourself. Do not visit the accident site. Listen to 1250 AM or 96.7 FM and, if actions are required by the citizens, you will be given instructions about what to do. Follow these instructions.
Review the shelter–in-place and evacuation information in this guide.
What To Do During A Hazardous Material Release:
Things To Do If You See, Hear, or Smell A Hazardous Material Release:
No matter where you work, live, or play, reducing the risk of violence or becoming a victim of crime is a matter of increasing your awareness and planning your actions.
What To Do To Increase Your Safety:
What To Do Before Leaving Your House:
What To Do When Travelling:
What To Do If You Think Someone Is Breaking Into Your House:
What To Do If You Think Someone Is Following You:
What To DO If You Are Attacked:
While all utilities do their very best to maintain their services, from time to time there are events that interrupt that service,
Problems with Hydro may be isolated to your home or may be widespread. Check with your neighbours to see if their power is working. Report downed power lines by phoning 911.
The safety controls on natural gas equipment id designed to close and shut equipment off if gas flow is interrupted. The natural gas distribution system is designed to deliver gas in the event of isolated power outages. Natural gas furnaces do not have to be turned of. For information on your equipment contact the manufacturer.
What To Do To Stay Warm In Your Home:
Use great care with equipment that burns fuels. Many appliances generate dangerous levels of carbon monoxide very quickly. Adequate fresh air must enter the area where the appliance is used. Check each appliance/manufacturer for fresh air ventilation requirements. BBQ’s, stoves and fuel must be used and stored outside.
What To Do To Prepare For Freeze Up:
What To Do When The Hydro Is Off:
What To Do When Hydro Is Back On:
What To DO When The Natural Gas Is Off:
What To Do When The Natural Gas Is Back On:
What To Do If You Suspect Carbon Monoxide In Your Building:
Shelter-in-place is the practice of going or remaining indoors during the release of an airborne hazardous material, as opposed to evacuating the area.
Unless the chemical is flammable, such as propane, emergency responders recommend that you go and stay indoors (shelter-in-place) until you are told to evacuate. If the hazardous material is already around the building you are in, evacuation may not be safe since you would have to move through the chemical to leave.
Shelter-in-Place is a safe response to an airborne hazardous material release of 3 hours or less. Buildings can protect you by limiting the amount of air getting inside. Any chemical that enters is weakened as it mixes with the indoor air.
It is important to stay indoors. If you see a chemical cloud outdoors or you can smell it indoors, you will be safer inside. There is no need to go to the schools to “rescue” your children. They will shelter-in-place. Stay indoors until told to evacuate.
What To Do To Shelter-In-Place:
In some emergency situations it may become necessary to leave your home or business and move to a safer location. Plan ahead for such a situation.
The Town of Morden will make every effort to keep people informed of the situation. This may be done by telephone, local media, pamphlets, and emergency services personnel vehicles using sirens and lud-halers or by personal contact.
Preparing To Evacuate:
What To Do When You Must Evacuate:
Your Emergency Supplies Kit should be prepared in advance and contain the following as a minimum:
* An extra set of car keys and house keys.
* First aid kit.
* Blankets or sleeping bags.
* Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members.
* Special medications necessary for period of at least one week.
* Copies of prescriptions and extra eyeglasses.
* Battery powered radio and extra batteries.
* Flashlight and extra batteries.
* Bottled water sufficient for at least 3 days. Two to four litres per person per day-two for drinking and two for food preparation, hygiene and dishwashing.
* A three-day supply of non-perishable or canned foods and a manual can opener.
* Flares and emergency road kit (in your vehicle)
* Toys and games for any children in tour care.
* Sewing kit.
* Candles and a supply of matches and/or cigarette lighter.
* Utensils (knives, forks, pots, etc.)
* Paper plates and paper towels.
* Resealable plastic bags
* Plastic garbage bags to store waste.
* Sanitation supplies (soap, paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, pre-moistened towlettes, waste containers, feminine hygiene products, etc.)
* A prepared package of important personal information such as family, work, school, etc. phone numbers, list of occupants of the residence (including pets) with copies of documents such as drivers licenses, birth certificates, etc.
* Discuss with your family and friends how to respond to disaster situations.
* Draw a floor plan of your home. Mark two escape routes.
* Learn how to turn off water, gas and electricity at your location.
* Teach children how and when to use emergency telephone numbers (9-1-1) for help.
* Pick one out-of-area and one local family member or friend to call if you get separated when you evacuate.
* Pick a place and an alternate outside your home to meet in case of fire.
* Keep family records and other important papers in a waterproof and fireproof container.
* Make arrangements for pets if you leave or evacuate.
* Let others know when you leave, where you are going and when you expect to arrive.
What to do if you see or know of a chemical spill and you are in your car.
1. If you know it is flammable – leave the area now!
2. When safe: phone 911 and report what you know.
3. If possible, leave the area and avoid visible clouds.
4. Let emergency responders get there quickly: Stay away from the area and all roads in or out.
5. If you can not drive away, leave your car and go to a building and shelter-in-place.
6. If you can not leave your car – shelter-in-place in your car.
What to do if you can not safely leave your vehicle:
1. Stay in your car and turn off the engine.
2. Close all windows and doors.
3. Shut off the heater or air conditioner so that it is not blowing air.
4. Use your horn and headlights to signal you need help.
5. Turn on your radio and follow instructions from emergency services personnel.
You may be asked to leave on foot.
To register for an account in the Onsolve CodeRED emergency alert system, go to:
Download the free CodeRED Mobile Alert app to stay informed and aware, no matter where you are! When travelling, your CodeRED Mobile Alert app will notify you of any emergency notifications sent from nearby communities using the CodeRED system. Receive notifications that affect you–directly to your mobile device. (Download for iOS) (Download for Android)
The City of Morden is located on Treaty No. 1 territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota Nations, as well as the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We honour their contributions to the past, present, and future. We express our gratitude for the land and water that sustains us, and we commit to learning from and working in partnership with the original caretakers of this territory.
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