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The City of Morden offers free yard waste collection twice per year. This system is intended to collect bulk yard waste items, limited to branches and twigs from pruning, leaves that are bagged in certified compostable paper bags, and dead or unwanted garden plants.
The City of Morden does not collect items bagged in plastic. Paper compost bags are available at most hardware and grocery stores.
The Spring and Fall weeks are prescheduled, and collection days will coincide with the zone schedule for the three-stream cart system, falling on the waste pickup days as follows:
Zone 1 – October 14
Zone 2 – October 15
Zone 3 – October 17
Zone 1 – May 6
Zone 2 – May 7
Zone 3 – May 9
The compost site located on Willcocks Road is not associated with the curbside compost system. This site is accessible to Morden residents for free to collect wood chips and compost, or dispose of:
⛔️ Never put rocks, concrete, or hazardous materials in the compost yard or the green compost cart.
Our waste collection program has made it very simple to recycle and dispose of organic waste from the comfort of your own home. To keep it that way is crucial to understand what can go in your curbside carts and what can’t.
Be warned that the City is taking this matter seriously—we’re inspecting all carts and tagging those disposing of waste incorrectly. Thankfully, after reading this, you’ll be a disposal hero that keeps your cart free from the tag and a $500 fine!
We’ll start with the brilliant blue cart because it is the most crucial. And it’s the cart where things usually go awry. One-third of what is put in the blue cart doesn’t belong there! These items can go in your recycling cart, as long as they’re clean and dry.
⚠️ Broken glass should not be put in the recycling cart. Aerosol cans are not to be put in the recycling cart but can be dropped off at 456 Jefferson St, Morden to be recycled as part of product care.
Food scraps like apple cores, eggshells or expired leftovers belong in your Green Cart. It sometimes helps to think about what sort of waste could help a garden grow. Be sure to line your under-the-counter green bin with a compostable bag.
⛔️ Never place any glass, metal, chemicals, or plastic into the compost cart.
Think of the bold black cart as the black hole. A place for all the other ‘stuff.’ The black cart is a free-for-all for all the candy wrappers, drink pouches, broken mugs, and black plastics to mingle.
So what better way to learn than playing a game? Sorting 4 The Future takes you through five levels; your mission: to match the type of waste with the correct waste cart: recycling, garbage, compost, etc. Make the right choices, and you get a new item for your virtual park. You can even print a personalized certificate after the game is over!
The Recyclepedia is a web tool and mobile app that allows Morden residents to search for various materials and how to dispose of them properly.
The mobile app is available to download for free. Search ‘MMSM Recyclepedia’ to find it in the Google Play Store and App Store.
The City of Morden is located on Treaty No. 1 territory, the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota Nations, as well as the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We honour their contributions to the past, present, and future. We express our gratitude for the land and water that sustains us, and we commit to learning from and working in partnership with the original caretakers of this territory.
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