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Help Us Make Morden More Accessible: Share Your Thoughts

  • Survey

The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, passed in 2013, is designed to make services and spaces more accessible for people with disabilities. This law affects all public organizations, including the City of Morden.

The City provides many services to residents, and at some point, everyone may need to use them. If you’ve ever had trouble accessing any of these services, it might be due to a barrier that can make it harder for some people to fully participate.

We’re asking for your help! By taking a few minutes to fill out this survey, you’ll be sharing valuable feedback that will help us identify and remove barriers people with disabilities may face in accessing City services. Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous.

When filling out the survey, think about a time when you experienced difficulty accessing a service. Barriers can come in many forms, including:

  • Attitudinal Barriers: These are beliefs or assumptions that limit opportunities for people with disabilities. For example, assuming someone can’t understand information and speaking only to their support person.
  • Physical Barriers: These are features of buildings or spaces that make it harder for people with disabilities to access services. Think of things like counters that are too high or pathways that are blocked.
  • Communication Barriers: This includes difficulties in receiving or understanding information that others can easily access, such as unclear signs, small print, or hard-to-read websites.
  • Systemic Barriers: These are rules or processes that might limit or exclude people with disabilities. For example, policies that don’t allow service animals, require people to appear in person, or ask for written forms that can’t be easily completed.
  • Technological Barriers: This includes software or equipment that isn’t accessible. An example would be a website that someone who is blind can’t use with screen-reading software.

If you need any help completing the survey, or would like a paper copy, please contact us at 204-822-4434 or

Your feedback is important and will help make Morden a more inclusive place for everyone.

Please submit your responses by February 26, 2025.

Thank you for your time!