We’d like to remind all residents that the campground area and surrounding lake areas fall under the City of Morden by-laws. Recent concerns about dogs off-leash highlight the importance of ensuring everyone feels safe and respected in public spaces.
To avoid fines and ensure public safety, please follow these regulations:
- Dogs must always be on a leash that is 2 metres (6 feet) in length or less when off your property.
- When on your property, dogs should be securely contained in a yard or building.
- Dogs are not allowed on school grounds, sports fields, playgrounds, or golf course.
- Dogs must remain leashed and under control in the campground and lake areas.
- Certain breeds, classified as “identified animals,” must wear a muzzle in public and be kept in a fully fenced yard when at home.
- General by-law violations, including off-leash dogs, are subject to a fine of $150.
For those wishing to let their dogs roam freely, the Morden Dog Park on Jefferson Street is a dedicated space for off-leash activity.
Let’s work together to keep our public spaces safe, clean, and enjoyable for everyone.
Thank you for your cooperation!