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Request for Proposals

The City of Morden purchases materials, supplies, equipment, rentals and services through the various City departments, as economically as possible with due regard for price, availability, quality and service, to provide the best value to the taxpayers. Whenever possible, this is accomplished by competitive bidding based on adequate specifications being provided.

Tenders, Requests for Proposals, and Requests for Quotes covering City contracts are advertised here on the City’s website and in the local newspapers.

Current Bid Opportunities

Asphalt Multi-use Path Installation Cart Path PavingRFP
Community Climate Action Plan – Adaptation SectionRFP
Gilmour St Watermain InstallationRFP
Morden Central Business District Secondary PlanRFP
New Industrial Park Storm Sewer and Road InstallationRFP
New Industrial Park Watermain and Sewermain InstallationRFP
Parkhill Dr Street ResurfacingRFP

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Important Notes:

  • Be sure your tender/proposal/quote is submitted to the appropriate department before the stated closing time, or it will be returned unopened.
  • Be sure to read the documents thoroughly and comply with all the instructions and conditions. We do not want to be in a position of having to reject your offer for non-compliance.
  • Tenders with a value of $60,000 and above are also posted on the MERX portal, Canada’s leading electronic tendering service. This platform provides access to public and private sector tenders, ensuring a transparent and competitive bidding process.  To explore these opportunities, please visit the MERX portal at
Accessibility Survey
We’re asking for your help! By taking a few minutes to fill out this survey, you’ll be sharing valuable feedback that will help us identify and remove barriers people with disabilities may face in accessing City services. Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous.