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Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for the operation, maintenance and preservation of roads, lanes, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary sewer mains and storm sewer mains.

The Water and Sewer Section is responsible for the daily operation and annual maintenance programs for all facets of the underground and surface water and sewer systems. This involves the monitoring, inspection and maintenance of all hydrants, valves, building connections, water lines, sanitary sewer lines and storm sewer lines throughout the City. The department also develops and manages preventative maintenance and rehabilitation programs for all water and sewer infrastructure.

The Roadways Section provides services for the operation and preservation of all roadway assets, including roads, sidewalks, interchange structures, river bridges, lanes and pathways. In so doing, the department manages annual programs for sidewalk maintenance, lanes and earth-street maintenance, drainage, snow and ice control, earth dump sites, and roadway preservation programs.

Accessibility Survey
We’re asking for your help! By taking a few minutes to fill out this survey, you’ll be sharing valuable feedback that will help us identify and remove barriers people with disabilities may face in accessing City services. Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous.