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Tax Calculation Samples

Property tax is a tax on land and property. It is based on the assessed value of a property. If you own a property, you will have to pay property tax. It is used to pay for city services such as police, the fire department, and public transit as well as elementary and secondary education.

Calculated at:

  • Residential: Assessment x 45% (portion taxable) x mill rate per $1,000
  • Commercial: Assessment x 65% (portion taxable) x mill rate per $1,000

2023 Property Tax Calculator

Property taxes are calculated by applying municipal and school mill rates against the portioned assessment of your property. By definition, a mill is a one-thousandth part. For calculating taxes, one mill represents $1.00 of taxes for every $1,000.00 of portioned assessment.

Residential Property Tax Calculation

Enter your property assessment here if residential

Commercial Property Tax Calculation

Enter your property assessment here if commercial


Important Notes

  • Does not include the Education Tax Rebate cheque mailed out. See

  • For 2023, owners of residential and farm properties will receive a 50 per cent rebate of the school division special levy payable.

2023 Mill Rates

Western School Division11.822
Municipal 16.853
Western School Division11.822
Education Support8.140
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