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Water & Sewer Services

Utility Bills

Water & Sewer Utility Bills are prepared and mailed quarterly in March, June, September and December. The ‘Due Date’ is the last date to have payment into the Morden Civic Centre Office by 4:30 p.m.

Any utility bill payments not received in the  office by the due date will have a penalty calculated on the overdue amount of 1.25% and every month thereafter. Annually on February 1st all outstanding water and sewer accounts will be transferred to your property tax account.

Current Water & Sewer Rates

For current Water & Sewer Rates click on the link  13BL05 – Water & Sewer Rates.

If you have questions about your utility bill, or how to read your water meter to get a reading, please come to the Morden Civic Centre, and the staff will help you.


The City of Morden offers Pre-authorized Payments for Utility Bills and Property Taxes.  Just complete the Automated Transfer Form, print it off and bring it into the Morden Civic Centre – OR just drop by the office and the staff will assist you in completing the form.

Billing Cycle

Water & sewer billsFour times per yearDecember, March, June, September
Property taxesOne time per yearAugust
Accessibility Survey
We’re asking for your help! By taking a few minutes to fill out this survey, you’ll be sharing valuable feedback that will help us identify and remove barriers people with disabilities may face in accessing City services. Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous.