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The Council of the City of Morden has scheduled a public hearing at the Morden Civic Center at 100-195 Stephen Street in Morden, Manitoba on the 27th of January 2025 at 7:30 P.M. to present the following local improvement plan.

The purpose of this local improvement levy is to fund the replacement of old worn-out standpipe with new standpipe and THM removal system at the Morden Water treatment Plant.

The local improvement tax to be levied under this proposal is to be based on the portioned value of all assessable property in the City, which includes taxable, grant-in-lieu and otherwise exempt properties in the City of Morden, and the tax is to be based on the portioned value of all these properties. The potential taxpayers under this plan are the owners of said properties.

The total estimated cost of this local improvement is $2,450,000.00, and it is to be funded by City of Morden borrowing at a maximum rate of 5.9 % over 15 years.

The rate will be calculated as follows: Based on the calculated annual repayment amount of $250,613.12 and the City of Morden’s 2025 local improvement district preliminary assessment value of $721,350,360.00 an estimated 0.347 mill rate will be required. Calculated on a residential property valued at $300,000.00 (portioned value of $135,000.00), an estimated $46.85 local improvement tax will be levied annually for 15 years.

The annual operating and maintenance costs associated with the proposed local improvement will be covered under the City of Morden’s annual operating budget.

A written objection may be filed with the City Manager at the Civic Office located at 100-195 Stephen Street in Morden, Manitoba prior to the commencement of the hearing. At the hearing, Council will hear any potential taxpayer who wishes to make a presentation, ask questions, or register an objection to the local improvement plan.

All objections, written or verbal, must be filed prior to the adjournment of the hearing and must include the name, address and property description of the person filing the objection and the grounds of their objection.
Copies of the local improvement plan are available at the municipal office at 100-195 Stephen Street in Morden, Manitoba, R6M 1V3 and on the municipal website at:

Dated at the City of Morden, this 16th day of December 2024 and issued pursuant to Section 318 of The Municipal Act.

Nicole Reidle, CMMA
City Manager
City of Morden

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